I wrote a book about your pay. You can order it now.
About me
I’ve worked on pay issues all over the world, from start-ups to some of the world’s best known global companies.* In 2018, I was named to the global shortlist of the Financial Times and McKinsey & Company Bracken Bower Prize for business writers.
My first book, Fair Pay: How to Get a Raise, Close the Wage Gap, and Build Stronger Businesses, was released in 2021 from HarperCollins. The book received a starred review from Publisher’s Weekly and has been nominated for multiple “best of” awards.
I am originally a Florida-man (please send your jokes) and lived throughout the state until my mid-twenties. I now live with my wife, daughter, and labradoodle in Portland, Oregon.
*Here is where I make the obligatory statement that writing is my personal project, and my views are subject to change and not on behalf of any company.
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